routine inspection

What is baseline data and why is it important?

By |2021-05-07T16:01:06+10:00April 30th, 2021|Fire system, Useful tips|

You can’t improve what you can’t measure. It’s true for many things and no less your fire safety system. That’s why your fire system baseline data for routine service is a vital piece of information in your fire safety efforts. But what is baseline data? What is baseline data? Put simply,

Five ways to simplify your fire safety inspection

By |2021-05-07T16:39:15+10:00March 28th, 2019|Fire prevention, Fire safety, Fire system, Service|

Although a perennial process, organising and carrying out annual fire safety inspections can require much effort from building managers; however, a misstep could be time-consuming and can cost thousands in penalties, not to mention unhappy tenants. Plus, carrying out inspections is a requirement to secure your AFSS — your primary proof of fire safety

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