fire safety

Debunking 5 popular sprinkler system myths

By |2018-11-19T19:07:45+10:00November 19th, 2018|Equipment, Fire prevention, Fire system, New installation, Service|

You’ve seen it in movies: the hero sets off the fire sprinklers to cause a diversion, the entire building gets flooded, and he gets away to save the day. Unfortunately, Hollywood gets a lot of things wrong about sprinkler systems. Also, unlike the flicks, fires are real and very serious. Uncontrolled, it could lead

Busting myths about fire extinguishers

By |2018-09-18T10:35:31+10:00September 18th, 2018|Equipment, Fire safety, Useful tips|

Fire extinguishers can be effective ‘first aid’ tools in stopping a fire. But, incorrect handling can bring tragic results. That’s why it’s important to sort the facts from the myths when it comes to fire extinguishers. It could mean the difference between ‘disaster averted’ or ‘crisis worsened’! Myth 1: All fire extinguishers are

What is a CFSP and do you need one?

By |2018-08-27T09:14:07+10:00August 27th, 2018|Buildings, Certification, Fire safety regulation, Regulation changes|

When protecting lives and property, there are no taking chances. Building owners and certifiers want to ensure safe structures. While fire service professionals need a way to guarantee customers that they measure up to the highest standards. That’s why the amendment to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (NSW), is a welcome improvement.

Tips to stay warm but safe in winter

By |2018-09-18T10:46:55+10:00May 14th, 2018|Buildings, Fire prevention, Fire safety, News, Useful tips|

While the threat of fire always exists, winter brings with it specific risks to fire safety. During the colder months, warmth and comfort come in the form of heaters and similar items. It’s no surprise then that in NSW, incidents of fires increase by 10% during winter. Since fires can cause irreparable damage to

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